Water Quality

bottled water

Is Bottled Water Really Better Than Tap Water?

bottled water, water purification
In the US, we spend 11.8 billion annually on bottled water.  The production of water bottles uses 17 million barrels of oil a year, and it takes three times the water to make the bottle as it does to fill it.  Of the 30 billion plastic water bottles sold each year in the United States,…
water quality

Hair Care and Water Quality

water quality, water treatment
Most Hair Colorists understand the importance of the water used in their salons with regards to their professional hair color results. In fact, many salons specializing in hair color understand that the quality of the water used in their salon is so important to the overall outcome of their professional hair color results, that they…
iron levels

Effects of Iron Levels on Swimming Pools and Lawn Care

Pool water problem: copper and iron Even though swimming pool water passes through a filtration unit, copper and iron may be present in sufficient concentrations to create unsightly stains. Though they seldom affect the color of the water, they can stain swimming pool surfaces as well as hair and finger nails. Copper and iron can…
Commercial dishwashing equipment


water softeners, water treatment
Commercial dishwashing equipment must be supplied with soft water to avoid scale deposits which lead to heating element failure, as well as clog water lines and spray heads. Minerals in the water attach themselves to heating elements.  Mineral scale creates an insulating effect on the elements, which increases the time for the water to come…

The Effect of Water Quality on Cooling Tower Systems

water treatment
Water quality treatment is directed at minimizing scaling, corrosion, and biological growth.  These factors greatly reduce the efficiency and longevity of cooling tower systems. Scale Scale is formed from minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and silica.  These minerals are generally present in makeup water.  Scaling often occurs at the hottest surfaces, where the transfer is…

The Effect of Water Quality on Boiler Systems

water purification, water treatment
Water supplied to boilers may originate from rivers, ponds, wells, etc.  Unless a boiler receives the water of the proper quality, its life will be needlessly shortened.  Because of these variations in water supply, feed water should be analyzed to determine the proper pretreatment method. Scale Water hardness is the primary source of scale in…

Contact Us

Century Water Conditioning & Purification, Inc.
156 South Main Street
Williamstown, NJ 08094
Phone:  (856) 728-1248
Phone:  (800) 877-8667
Get Directions:  Open Google Maps
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Did You Know?

Approximately 85 percent of U.S. residents receive their water from public water facilities. The remaining 15 percent supply their own water from private wells or other sources.